Achieving a positive cash flow does not come by chance. You have to work on it. You need to analyze and manage your cash flow to more effectively control the inflow and outflow of cash. There are many areas in your business that can impact your cash flow. It is important to understand how customer payment terms, supplier payment terms, loan payments, future spending decisions and other items can affect your cash flow.
The Francfort consutling Group enables you to manage your cash flow and understand how to use cash flow analysis to inform business decision.
- Better forecast of cash flow
- Improve house banking
- Achieve multi lateral netting
- Enhance concentration of liquidity
- Establish payment factories
- Improve cash inflow again cash outflow
- Invest surplus cash or arrange loans
- Better ability to manage strategic and operational performance
- Tightening credit requirements
- Funding of cash deficits
For further details regarding The Francfort Consulting Group Cash Flow Management features please contact us. We would be happy to advise you in a personal meeting.